The Cold War and the Crises of Political Transition and Sustainable Democracy in Africa: The Failed Elections in Nigeria, Algeria and Angola

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Ngozi Caleb Kamalu

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Published: 24 January 2020 | Article Type :


The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the cold war where political struggles mirrored east -west ideological divide between capitalism and communism and ushering in the era of „new world order” that marked political shift in Africa from authoritarianism to multiparty democracy. However, most political transitions or handovers of power in Africa, as evidenced in the failed elections in Algeria, Angola and Nigeria were short-lived due to factors such as lack of political reconciliation, conflict over the imposition of religious ideology such as the “sharia”, regional divides and interethnic rivalries that eventually led to military interventions (coup de ‟tat). These failures call for the need for reform in African politics that would restore and sustain political accountability, multiparty democracy, perception of politics as a win-win endeavor, demilitarize politics, empower women and effectively manage ethnic diversity. The author argues that realization of these political goals would in the final analysis go a long way in permanently restoring and sustaining democratic rule in Africa. This paper aims to give account of these failed elections; identify the major reasons why they failed and recommend possible solutions necessary for sustainable democratic rule and governance in Africa.

Keywords: Cold War, New World Order, Autocracy, Guided Democracy, Bipolar World, Islam, Sharia, Hidjab, Elites, Brazzaville Protocol, Pius Okigbo Commission, UNITA, MPLA, FLN, Ennahda (Renaissance)), Anarchy, Biafra, Koran, Gulf War, Organization of Islamic Conference, MAMSER, UNAVEM, Terrorism, Colonialism, Single Party Rule, Sustainable Democracy.

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How to Cite


Ngozi Caleb Kamalu. (2020-01-24). "The Cold War and the Crises of Political Transition and Sustainable Democracy in Africa: The Failed Elections in Nigeria, Algeria and Angola." *Volume 2*, 1, 12-26